Paid memberships are active for 12 months from your join date.
National registration fee is a total of $105*.
This includes a one-time joining fee of $25 and an annual fee of $80**.
For only $15 for the year, Cub Scouts may also subscribe to Scout Life magazine.
*Price subject to change / **Effective August 1, 2023
Dens – A small group of Cub Scouts who are the same gender and in the same grade. The ideal size is 6 to 8 Cub Scouts.
Pack – The pack is made up of several dens. The make up and size of the pack varies based on local interest and resources. Each pack is identified by a number.
Den Leaders – An adult, usually a parent, serves as a Den Leader. They carry out the activities related to adventures as they are presented in the Cub Scout’s handbook and the Den Leader Guide.
Cubmaster – The leader of the pack meeting is the Cubmaster. In addition to serving as the master of ceremonies the Cubmaster provides support to Den Leaders.
Pack Committee – Made up of parents, leaders, and other caring adults the pack committee works to support den leaders and the cubmaster.
Pack Committee Chair – The top volunteer in the pack is the Pack Committee Chair. They are responsible for ensuring enough qualified adult volunteers are in place to provide the program. They lead the pack committee meetings.
Chartered Organization – This is the organization that partners with the Boy Scouts of America to deliver a Scouting program. They adopt Scouting to serve the youth in the community.
Chartered Organization Representative – This person appoints the Pack Committee Chair and approves all adult leaders. They provide resources from the chartered organization.
Lion – Handbook
Lion – Requirements
Kindergartners work toward the Lion rank. The Lion rank is earned by completing five adventures as described below. Although participation with an adult partner is required for all Lion awards, recognition items are for the Scouts only.
1. Complete the five required adventures:
- Lion’s Honor
- Animal Kingdom
- Fun on the Run!
- King of the Jungle
- Mountain Lion
2. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
Outside of the required adventures, Lion Scouts can also complete any of the seven elective adventures of their den’s or family’s choosing.
Lion – Uniform
The Lion Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official Lion t-shirt.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Cap: Official navy-blue Lion cap.
- Neckerchief: Optional Lion neckerchief. The Lion den decides if they will wear the neckerchief.
- Neckerchief Slide: Optional Lion neckerchief slide.
Official uniform pants, shorts, or skorts, and Cub Scout socks are optional. Use of these items for Lions is decided by the den leader and families in the den. There is no uniform inspection sheet for Lions.
Tiger – First Grade
First graders work toward the Tiger rank. The Tiger rank is earned by completing the four requirements below. Although participation with an adult partner is required for all Tiger awards, recognition items are for the Scouts only.
1. Complete each of the six required adventures:
- Games Tigers Play
- My Tiger Jungle
- Team Tiger
- Tiger Bites
- Tiger Circles: Duty to God
- Tigers in the Wild
2. In addition to the six required adventures, complete at least one elective adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.
3. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
4. Watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for 1st Grade, Tiger. (The video is located at and can be watched on-line or downloaded and viewed off-line.) OR Earn the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure for Tiger.
Uniform – First Grade
The Tiger Cub Scout uniform has the following parts;
- Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Tiger socks have an orange band on the top.
- Hat: Official blue hat with orange front and Tiger emblem.
- Neckerchief: Orange triangular neckerchief with Tiger logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
- Neckerchief slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with orange Tiger emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.
Wolf – Second Grade
Second graders work toward the Wolf rank. The Wolf rank is earned by completing the four requirements described below.
1. Complete each of the six required adventures:
- Call of the Wild
- Council Fire (Duty to Country)
- Duty to God Footsteps
- Howling at the Moon
- Paws on the Path
- Running With the Pack
2. In addition to the six required adventures, complete at least one elective adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.
3. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
4. Watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for 2nd Grade, Wolf. (The video is located at and can be watched on-line or downloaded and viewed off-line.) OR Earn the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure for Wolf.
Uniform – Second Grade
The Wolf Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Wolf socks have a yellow band on the top.
- Hat: Official hat red front and Wolf emblem.
- Neckerchief: Red triangular neckerchief with Wolf logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
- Neckerchief slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with red Wolf emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.
Bear – Third Grade
Third graders work toward the Bear rank. The Bear rank is earned by completing the four requirements as described below.
1. Complete each of the six required adventures:
- Baloo the Builder
- Bear Claws
- Bear Necessities
- Fellowship and Duty to God
- Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
- Paws for Action (Duty to Country)
2. In addition to the six required adventures, complete at least one elective adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.
3. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
4. Watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for 3rd Grade, Bear. (The video is located at and can be watched on-line or downloaded and viewed off-line.) OR Earn the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure for Bear.
Uniform – Third Grade
The Bear Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Bear socks have a yellow band on the top.
- Hat: Official blue hat with light blue front and Bear emblem.
- Neckerchief: Light blue triangular neckerchief with Bear logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
- Neckerchief Slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with light blue Bear emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.
Webelos – Fourth and Fifth Grade
Fourth graders work toward the Webelos rank. The Webelos rank is earned by completing the five requirements described below. Scouts who are in Cub Scouts in fourth grade must complete the Webelos rank before working towards the Arrow of Light.
1. Be an active member of your Webelos den for three months.
2. Complete each of the five required adventures:
- Cast Iron Chef
- Duty to God and You
- First Responder
- Stronger, Faster, Higher
- Webelos Walkabout
3. In addition to the five required adventures, complete at least one elective adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.
4. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
5. Watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for 4th Grade, Webelos. (The video is located at and can be watched on-line or downloaded and viewed off-line.) OR Earn the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure for Webelos.
Webelos – Fourth and Fifth Grade
The Webelos Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official tan uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: The official green shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle or the green web belt with BSA buckle is acceptable for the 2021-22 program year.
- Socks: Official green socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee.
- Hat: Official green hat with Webelos plaid front and Webelos emblem.
- Neckerchief: Webelos plaid triangular neckerchief with Webelos logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
- Neckerchief Slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with Webelos emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.
- Webelos Colors: The Webelos Colors is an optional uniform piece that is worn on the right sleeve to display the Webelos Adventure Pins that have been earned. If the Webelos Colors are not used, Webelos Adventure Pins may be worn on the Webelos hat.
Webelos – Fourth and Fifth Grade
The Webelos Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official tan uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: The official green shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle or the green web belt with BSA buckle is acceptable for the 2021-22 program year.
- Socks: Official green socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee.
- Hat: Official green hat with Webelos plaid front and Webelos emblem.
- Neckerchief: Webelos plaid triangular neckerchief with Webelos logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
- Neckerchief Slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with Webelos emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.
- Webelos Colors: The Webelos Colors is an optional uniform piece that is worn on the right sleeve to display the Webelos Adventure Pins that have been earned. If the Webelos Colors are not used, Webelos Adventure Pins may be worn on the Webelos hat.